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Sie sind zur Teilnahme an einer Onlineumfrage berechtigt. Die Details zu dieser Umfrage sind:


Lecturer Survey WiSe 22/23

Dear lecturers,

thank you very much for taking the time to participate in our survey of the present state of teaching at the Faculty of Philology. If you cannot answer a question, because it does not apply to you (e.g., you have not given hybrid seminars or lectures during the semester), just skip it.
The collected data will solely be used for evaluation purposes. A relation to individuals is not possible. Only anonym, not individual-related data will be safed and used. Reference to any participant of the survey is impossible.
The collected data will be used to improve teaching at Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
Thank you very much!

1.General Section

2.Experiences in the Current Semester

3.Forecast on Future Semesters


You will now be asked on your opinion on lectures, seminars and exams successively:


Thank you very much for taking part in our survey! The results of this and the parallel survey for lecturers will be published in February on our homepage.

PhiloLotsen-Team of the Faculty of Philology